Monday, February 17, 2014

Do’s and Don’ts in Regular Skin Care

If you want your skin to look young and healthy even as you approach advancing age, here are a few tips which are guaranteed to help you win the fight against skin aging.

Let’s start with the don’ts first. One of the most important things that you should remember is that the main cause of premature skin aging is sun exposure. Too much sun exposure causes extreme changes on skin cells. This does not mean however that people out to stay indoors all the time and avoid sunshine altogether. Sunlight is an important source of Vitamin D which the body needs. However, exposure to harsh, direct sunlight without protection could wreak havoc to skin. As such, it is important to limit sun exposure and when absolutely necessary, sunscreen and additional protective gear—umbrella, sun hat, etc. must be used.

Another important item to remove from the list is smoking. Smoking is not just bad for the lungs. It is bad for the skin as well because the noxious chemicals in cigarette smoke causes skin drying as well as formation of wrinkles. There are clinical studies that show how much more increased the development of wrinkles is in smokers when compared to non-smokers. 

Now, we move on to the Do’s. Here are some of the most essential components of regular skin care that you have to implement daily in order to maintain younger-looking, radiantly healthy skin. Keeping skin looking fabulous all the time requires hard work, conviction, and discipline. What follows will help you identify the things that you need to prioritize in order for you to have healthy skin even as you advance in age.

First on the list is fighting skin ageing from the inside with a healthy diet. This is not just about eating well-balanced meals every single day. Here, we have put together for you a short list of the top food items that you must have on your diet for good-looking skin. When you go to the grocery store, make sure that you get some berries. There are plenty to choose from—strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries, to name a few. These berries are rich in antioxidants and they are also easy to throw into any meal of the day. Spinach is another key food item to add to your diet. Spinach is a rich source of Vitamin A which plays a role in moisture retention, as well as prevention of wrinkles and acne. Loads of vitamin A can also be sourced from low-fat dairy products such as cheese and milk. It also pays to stock up with nuts such as almonds which are rich in Vitamin E. This nutrient helps moisturize skin from the inside and prevent the onslaught of premature aging. Lastly, it would be good for your skin if you add avocado to your grocery list today. This fruit is rich in B complex vitamins as well as essential oils which are beneficial to skin.

Good skin may be due to good genes, but it is also due to lifestyle choices and environmental factors. A healthy, glowing complexion may seem difficult to come by but it is possible to attain great complexion with good healthy habits and the excellent range of age-defying Prodermagenix products. 

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