Monday, September 9, 2013

Food Habits that Make People Age Sooner

There is no argument that eating is a pleasurable experience. It quenches hunger; replenishes lost energy; and nourishes the body. But, there are eating habits that unfortunately ignite untimely aging.

Here are some practices that may get in the way of your anti-aging skin care endeavors:

Habit No. 1: Consuming full-fat dairy goods and red meat in excessive amounts

Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital conducted a study last May 2012 which revealed that saturated fats found in full-fat dairy produce and in red meat make the brain age faster. In the study, women who reported the highest saturated fat intake had the poorest scores on cognitive tests.

Habit No. 2: Taking in too much salt

Salt, if taken too often or in huge amounts can result to dehydration. Moreover, it can contribute to high blood pressure and kidney disease, and can also interfere with metabolism. The study conducted at Baycrest in Toronto found out that a high-salt diet can be very detrimental to cognitive health.

Habit No. 3: Entertaining too much sweet

Sugar over-consumption equates to rapid aging. It is to be noted that sugar when taken uncontrollably can damage the skin’s collagen thus leading to sagging and wrinkling. Recent findings point out that the average American consumes an approximate of 22 teaspoons of sugar daily.

Habit No. 4: Eating to cope with stress

When a person eats during stressful situations, the instinctive reflex of stress hormones is to push blood into one’s extremities making food digestion harder. Additionally, stress can also result to over-eating and diabetes.

Overall, with the right kinds of food taken within the appropriate limits, you can be assured that you are not on the losing end. Plus, it pays off to also add an effective anti-wrinkle serum to maintain your youthful skin radiance. After all, an anti-wrinkle formula is one beauty ticket definitely worth grabbing. 

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