Monday, August 12, 2013

Are Toners Necessary Skin Care Regimens?

Other than anti-wrinkle serum or anti-wrinkle formula, many women believe they also need toners. There are hundreds of different toners made available in the market. Brands sell them as great options for makeup and oil removal. Others have the added effect of pore minimization. However, are toners really essential skin regimens?

While there are indeed many people who feel that toners contribute much to skin cleansing and removal of excess makeup residue, majority of beauty editors have a collective opinion that these are not must-haves. They actually just add an additional step and along that, expense.

Modern toners are now formulated and branded to have lesser drying effect. There are even those made for anti-aging skin care. But thing is, people have different skin types and effects will not always be the same.

This brings us to the question, who should use toners?

People with extreme cases of acne and oily skin are the perfect candidates for toner usage. The same goes for those who wish deep or additional cleansing after putting on thick makeup. However, if you feel that your toner is sincerely working, then by all means, continue using it. It’s not really the hyped up need for toners that’s important. What’s important is your skin’s reaction to the substance.

It would be better for you to choose a toner that comes with a moisturizing effect. If you want extra help on skin rejuvenation, choose those that come with anti-aging ingredients as well.

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